🍇💉 blog page goodbye cohost – the only good social media website

Zack on 2024-09-22

cohost is shutting down at the end of the month. it sucks, I'm gonna miss it, and I hope something like it exists again in the future. we didn't get enough time.

maybe this is going to be my more sociable website going forward? I have a more "normal" one but that has my headshot on it. despite there being fun variants for holidays, i'm not really looking for a linkedin vibe for my casual online presence.

I would like to try federation again. I fucked it up though. and it's REALLY annoying that I can't use this domain name to federate with anymore. it would be so swag to have an @grape.surgery username. there's still email I guess.

I want to start a project that would let people federate again using a domain name they broke federation for.[1] in the meantime I bought honk.love if I ever want to try it again, for something like the website league.

anyway. I have aspirations that I might start writing stuff. complaints, interesting tech-focused things, short fiction stories, things I hyperfocus on. that will all (maybe) go here.

someone on cohost said it was important to reduce friction for this sort of thing as much as possible. I see their point. it will probably get annoying opening up a text editor and running ansible to publish a new post. maybe that's another project in the future, ha.

  1. I'm not entirely sure how it would work. I'm imagining setting a TXT record and opening some port that my app can talk to to verify a request. sort of like letsencrypt/certbot.